First you need to register as EMPLOYER and then CLICK “POST JOB” button located at the header of the website. You will be presented with 3 PREMIUM PACKAGE options. Please choose the one you prefer and continue to fill out the JOB POST. Checkout and payment  page will be accessible after you CONFIRM the JOB POST.

SINGMAIDS doesn’t offer subscriptions. We don’t have auto-renewal or auto-charge. If you want to continue using the website beyond the initial package kindly purchase another package. 

All packages on SINGMAIDS are NON-REFUNDABLE. For any dispute please contact admin at info@singmaids.com

Yes, you are required to make a Genuine JOB POST. Only then your PREMIUM PACKAGE will be activated and you can contact helpers directly. 

You can access your account at any time within 180 days and you will find your expired JOB POST in My Account- My Job Post. If you wish to post the same job again. – choose “RE-LIST” option next to the title.Or make new Job Post by clicking POST JOB button at the top of the page. 

We are doing our best to keep our Helpers’ database up to date. But sometimes helpers forget to inform us that their hiring status has changed (they got hired or changed circumstances). If you encounter a helper who is no longer available you can REPORT her by leaving a REVIEW under her profile.

Other cases when you might want to REPORT a helper include:

  • Misrepresentation. A Helper’s account is run by an agent who is using SINGMAIDS to find clients for their business.
  • False statement.  Helper’s profile information is not correct by mistake or on purpose.
  • Rude or/and offensive language . While communicating with a helper you experience offensive language, cyber bullying, shaming, aggression . 

You can change your password at any time by logging in first, Then going to My Account and selecting Change Password .