Step-by-step guide on processing a Transfer Helper in Singapore

So you have found a suitable helper for your household and now wondering what would be the process of Transferring a helper from current employer over to you. Good news – the process of Transferring a MDW in Singapore is fast, cheap and very simple. You may want to bookmark this article as a guide for the sole process.

In this article we are only discussing the case of Helper who is still employed in Singapore with a work permit. For Direct Hire from overseas please refer to another article.

Who is a Transfer Helper? A migrant household worker from the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar , India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam etc. holding a legal valid Work Permit under current Employer/Sponsor name with permission to transfer rather than to be repatriated to their home country.

Step 1. Checklist before you start the process

Before you you actually apply for a work permit for your chosen helper you need to thoroughly check if your helper is actually eligible for Transfer and if you will be able to complete the process.

  • Talk to your Helper’s current Employer to make sure that she has permission to transfer. Current Employer needs to be aware that their helper is intending to Transfer to new employer instead of returning back home, as they are legally responsible for her repatriation. Why this step matters?There are cases when maids seek new employment in Singapore without actual permission from current Employers. You may go through a tedious process of selection, interviewing, documents preparation just to bump into a dead wall because her current employer had no intention of allowing to Transfer, For your convenience all the helpers on Singmaids have the information about Transfer permission on their profile.
  • Throughly check your chosen helper employment history on MOM website. To do so you need to login to MOM with your Singpass and search information on the MDW based on her Date of Birth, Name or FIN, Nationality/Citizenship.
  • Check passport validity of your helper. Passport needs to be minimum 6 months on the date of work permit application.
  • Check if your helper doesn’t have her Compulsory Medical Examination date coming up in the following 2 months. All MDW in Singapore need to complete medical examination every 6 moths and their employers are responsible for it.
  • Check if your helper actually has enough time on her current work permit for the transfer process. We recommend minimum 30 days before intended transfer date/contract completion date/ termination date. For exact timing please coordinate with the current employer.
  • Check if you are Eligible to hire a MDW as a first time employer. Check eligibility criteria on MOM website here.
  • Check if your chosen helper has her vaccination records updated at the National Immunization Registry including booster. .

Step 2. Prepare for the process

  • Confirm the EXACT TRANSFER DATE with the helper’s current employer. This is required for the application. The date should be at least a week (better more) after MOM transfer application).
  • Obtain current employer’s email address and the helper’s FIN number and mobile number.
  • Prepare an Employment contract to be signed between you (Employer) and MDW (helper). There is no standard contract provided by MOM since Employers are ENCOURAGED rather than OBLIGED to sign one. The sample contract can be found online at different resources or you can download a template for FDW here . In addition to that you are required to sign a safety agreement.Check MOM guidelines here.
  • Check if you qualify for Subsidy Levy Concessions on MOM website here
  • Prepare your tax documents, bank account details (for monthly levy deductions ), Singpass and passport and FIN/NRIC.
  • Select the insurance provider beforehand. We are not giving any recommendations for best FDW insurance and we recommend you to do google search and and get quotes and reviews. Premium Competitive insurance + Security Bond would cost around S200$-S300$ (or higher) depending on coverage. Check here for some ideas
  • For a first time Employer please complete the Employers’ Orientation Programme (EOP) at least 2 days before submitting a Work Permit application. For more information about the programme please check MOM here.

Step 3. Transferring Helper

  1. Log in to our FDW eService to request for the current employer’s consent for the transfer (at least 30 days before Helper’s Work Permit expires) and apply for in-principal approval (IPA) and pay S35$ fee.
  2. Receive outcome within 1 week. If the application is approved, you will recieve the in-principle approval (IPA) directly to your email address. Employers can also log in to our FDW eService to download the IPA and declaration form. NOTE: The current employer will receive an email from MOM requesting them to log-in to their  FDW eService to approve the transfer request from the new employer.
  3. Complete the steps on the IPA. Log in to our FDW eService to print the Declaration form.Both you and the helper need to sign it.
  4. Buy a security bond and a medical and personal accident insurance for your helper. NOTE: Please ensure your insurer sends us the security bond details. It takes up to 3 working days.
  5. Apply for Temporary Work Permit and pay S35$. Use our FDW eService to do the following: Get the new Work Permit issued. Upload the Declaration form (signed by you and the helper) . Print the Temporary Work Permit. NOTE: You will need to provide a home / office address where the card will be delivered. Nominate minimum 3 authorized recipients to receive the card and provide their NRIC/FIN or passport details, mobile numbers and email address.
  6. Give the Temporary Work Permit to the helper so that she can start working for you. Her current Work Permit will be automatically cancelled.
  7. Wait for the work permit card to be delivered. NOTE: The due date to get the new Work Permit issued is one of the following dates, whichever is earlier: 21 days from Work Permit approval Current Work Permit expiry date 
  8. If your helper is Philippines passport holder you are required contact Philippines Embassy for contract verification before your helper goes home for vacation. Otherwise

Full information can be found on MOM website here:

The costs of Transferring helper in Singapore

Total cost of Transferring work permit from current employer to new employer (you) is S70$ + S200$-S300$ insurance and security bond premium + S60$-S300$ monthly levy . If you engage an agency you can expect additional S500$ for the service fee plus additional agency fees for helper recommendation. Singmaids helps you save a minimum of S1000$ on agency fees . Register your account as employer and get your helper for just S19$.